A collection of high-quality, free, online creativity tools.
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This page is designed to be a safe, bookmarkable, creativity resource for kids and adults. The creativity tools below are cross-disciplinary and cover a range of skill levels.
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In order for a tool to be added to this collection, it must meet the following criteria:
- Online: accessible at a URL and usable in your web-browser (Chromebook-friendly!)
- Low friction: free to use and doesn't require an account (at least for basic functionality)
- Shareable: creations can be saved or shared (via share url, downloadable image, etc)
- High-quality: the tool is safe for all ages and doesn't have pop-ups or excessive ads
If you have a tool that you think should be included follow these instructions to recommend it.
If you discover an issue with one of these tools (it no longer meets the criteria, link is broken, etc), you can report it here.
The tools in this collection were built by creative people from across the internet and this site would not be possible without their efforts. ❤️
Line Rider
Draw hills and tracks for a sledder to ride on.
Build peaceful little island towns.
The Blob Toy
A physics playground for blobs.
PICO-8 Education Edition
A fantasy console for making, sharing, and playing tiny retro games.
Choo Choo World
A 3D wooden train track builder.
Build tiny isometric cities from a pallette of simple tiles.
A canvas for drawing with isometric cubes.
Shader Toy
A community site for building and sharing shader code creations.
Tixy Land
A minimalist creative coding environment inside of a 16x16 grid.
An online whiteboard and diagramming tool.
An online app for drawing and painting.
Slider Land
A creative coding playground using only HTML sliders.
The classic drawing program designed for kids.
make 8-bit art
A lovely online pixel art editor.
Graphic editor for isometric illustrations. Pixel art, but with triangles!
A falling sand game where you create scenes with elements like sand, water, plant and fire.
Sandspiel Studio
A visual programming tool for creating advanced Sandspiel scenes with custom elements.
Chrome Canvas
A drawing canvas with brushes, markers, and ink.
An online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental music.
Music Box Fun
Make and share music box songs online.
Song Maker
A fun and accessible song making tool by Chrome Music Lab.
An visual editor for making little games or worlds.
A simplified code editor for making puzzle games.
Create flipbook animations online.
An online editor for making text-based choose-your-own-adventure stories.
MakeCode Arcade
A visual programming environment where kids can make games (built by Microsoft).
A 3D editor for pixel art and low-poly models (including Minecraft).
Mini Music Machine
Polyrhythmic musical loop maker
PCEImage Editor
Pixel-Character Encoded Image Editor
A node-based modular sound synthesizer.
A multimedia sketchpad similar to HyperCard.
Sand Art
Create sandscapes by pouring colored sand.
A drawing app for creating abstract art with dynamic brushes.
A minimal beat machine in the browser .
A tool for making flowing generative art.
An interactive keyboard for exploring musical scales.
Create animated and interactive drawings.
A falling-sand simulator with over 500 elements to play with.
Animated Drawings
Bring children's drawings to life.
A minimalist drawing app for line art using lines and quarter circles.
Make spiral art with a pen and interlocking gears.
A little drum machine in your browser.
A "minimalist generative art thing."
ASCII Art Paint
An ASCII-graphics editor.
Make paper snowflakes and contribute them to a worldwide collection.
Create interactive virtual rooms using an library of tools and assets.
Marble Run
Create a track for a marble to roll on.
Thirty-dollar website
Make music using memes and actions.
I'm adding new creativity tools as I find them. Subscribe to updates via the feed [what is this?]